Archangels and associated Crystals list
Crystal: Rose Quartz
Angel Colour: Pale Pink
Ariel assists with divine magic, environmentalism (water bodies), manifestation, wild animals, fish and birds both healing and protecting them. Healing issues of the heart, self love, inner peace.
Crystal: Yellow Calcite
Angel Colour: Vanilla Cream
Comforting the dying and the grieving, crossing over the newly deceased person’s soul, grief counseling, support for grieving (material, spiritual, emotional).
Crystal: Fluorite
Angel Colour: Pale Green
Chamuel assists with career, life purpose, finding lost items, relationships, soul mates, & world peace.
Crystal: Citrine
Angel Colour: Copper
Gabriel assists with adopting a child, artists and art-related projects, child conception and fertility, journalism & writing, TV and radio work.
Crystal: Moonstone
Angel Colour: Bluish White
Haniel assists with bringing grace into our lives, healing abilities, moon energy, poise, and psychic abilities-especially clairvoyance.
Crystal: Amethyst
Angel Colour: Egg Plant Purple
Jeremiel assists with life review, making positive changes, helps us with clairvoyance and prophetic visions, and helps us to interpret psychic dreams.
Crystal: Pink Tourmaline, Rubelite
Angel Colour: Deep Rose, Magenta
Jophiel assists with artistic projects and artists, beautiful thoughts, interior decorating, slowing down from a hectic pace.
Crystal: Watermelon
Angel colour: Sea-Foam Green
Metatron supervises new Indigo and Crystal Children, oversees unity, education, truth and children’s issues. He also helps to assist you in owning your own power.
Dark Purple Amethyst
Angel Colour: Royal Blue, Purple
Michael rids the earth and its inhabitants of fear, gives guidance and direction, angel of protection, justice and strength.
Aqua Aura
Angel colour: Light Blue
Raguel aids in resolving arguments, cooperation and harmony in groups and families, defending the unfairly treated, empowerment-especially for underdogs, mediation of disputes, orderliness.
Crystals: Malachite
Angel Colour: Green
Raphael is Divine healer; he assists with addictions, cravings, clairvoyance, eyesight, healers, finding lost pets, space clearing, spirit releasing, and travelers.
Crystal: Clear Quartz
Angel Colour: All colours of rainbow
Raziel knows all of the secrets of the universe and how it operates. Helps you to understand esoteric material, increase your ability to see, hear, know and feel Divine guidance, alchemy, divine magic and manifesting.
Crystal: Turquoise
Angel colour: Turquoise
Sandalphon assists with music, delivering and answering prayers.
Crystal: Amber
Angel colour: Pale Yellow
Uriel illuminates situations and gives prophetic information and warnings, helps with natural disasters, defender of the element of earth and of the north. Angel of nature, wisdom, visions, instructions, custodian of prophesy, spiritual understanding, students and can be called upon to help with their tests, studies and problem solving.
Crystal: Lapis Lazuli
Angel Colour: Deep Indigo Blue
Zadkiel helps you to hold mercy and compassion towards yourself and others, and to let go of judgments and unforgiveness, forgive yourself or another.