Supermoon Distance Sacred Fire Ceremony
with energies sent directly from the Earth’s Heart Chakra in Glastonbury, Somerset
Supermoon Distance Sacred Fire Ceremony
with energies sent directly from the Earth’s Heart Chakra in Glastonbury, Somerset
Positively transform your energy with distance Supermoon Fire Ceremonies from the Earth's heart chakra, Glastonbury...
Starts evening of Tuesday 14th June energy work concludes Summer Solstice 21st June
Positively transform your energy with distance Supermoon Fire Ceremonies from the Earth's heart chakra, Glastonbury...
Starts evening of Tuesday 14th June energy work concludes Summer Solstice 21st June
Universal to all spiritual traditions fire ceremonies have been performed since the beginning of time to mark all stages of transformation and life, solve problems, and fulfil desires.
I am honoured to be able to send these energies from my home here in Glastonbury. I have been holding fire ceremony based on the traditions of the Q’ero of Peru for over a decade. I pass many of the linage practices related to these sacred mystics including the Munay-Ki rites, the Nusta Karpay’s and the Rite to the Womb.
Glastonbury is considered to be the earth’s heart chakra; many ancient ancestral spiritual energies are present here from multiple spiritual paths and dimensions. The St Michael, St Mary, Magdalen-Bridget ley-lines (also known as dragon lines) are present here. In ancient times this area was known as the Isle of Avalon, during times of the mists for many it still retains that magic.
How it works: Fire is used to transform energies, by placing what does not serve us (unhelpful energies – release work) in the fire we allow it to be transformed in to an altered more positive energy state – we then reabsorb these energies.
I connect with your higher-self and act on its behalf, in your highest interest. All I need from you is your permission and for you to intentionally open to the energies I transmit to you. This requires trust and connection from you to me, it is an honour for me to assist with you obtaining these frequencies but if you are unsure if feel you connect with me please take a moment to connect with you. As with any energy work trust is the most important element – so please take a deep breath, close your eyes and place your left hand on your heart chakra, take a few deep breaths and ask if you do. Focus only on your continued breathing and see how you truly feel. The first thought or feeling is the intuitive answer.
All you need to do is be open to the transmission. I send will send videos of some of the event to visually aid you in accessing the energy transmission. All I need is your name, email and postage address if you are feeling to include the crystal to aid in your manifestation.
June's Fire Ceremony
Our intention: to honour and connect with our truth working with universal life force energies as we build to summer solstice on 21st June.
Fire Ceremony Despacho: At this Full Moon we will be doing a despacho* offering to help us release confusion and misunderstanding. Additionally, crystals will be charged with the energies for this event and will be held in situ in line with the Tor until 3 days after Summer Solstice before sending to those who feel called to receive one.
Supermoon in Sagittarius: The energies in this June’s Strawberry Supermoon are incredibly complex and communication both external and internal has been confusing for many for some months now. In order to help gain clarity, our intention is to connect with our higher selves to connect with our truth, at soul level to guide our spirit but also our everyday lives.
Energy exchange:
Option 1:Distance fire ceremony only: £27.50
Option 2: above with intutively selected crystal
(cleansed at the white spring and charged at the fire ceremony in view and alignment of the Tor)
with above and a Medicine Wheel reading addition: £70
A range of additional charged crystals are normally available after the Ceremony.
Previous Munay-ki and Nusta Karpay receiptants
For those who have attended or are attending any Munay-Ki or Nusta Karpay Course with me fire ceremonies are donation only plus any addition cost of any additional crystals if you wish to receive one. Please email or contact me directly.
For such attendees Medicine Wheel readings are also suggested donation only.

Low Income Spaces
Low Income Spaces
If you are on a very low income or are unemployed but intutively feel you need to energetically connect, limited spaces are sometimes available by donation (what you can afford).
These spaces are normally available to those I have worked with in the past who have fallen on hard times or those who spirit leads or calls me to assist. Do pop me an email if you feel this is you.