Crystal Starter Kit
10 crystals in canvas bag with wooden dove, crystal cage and cord
Crystal starter kit and energy card reading
3 Energy Card reading sent via email, starter kit by post
Crystal Healing Starter kit and Ask your Guides reading
Reading sent via email
Crystal starter kit and Soul Lessons and Purpose reading
Reading sent via email
Crystal starter kit and 3 question based reading
Reading sent via email
Crystal starter kit and Chakra scan
Scan done via skype, appointment to be arranged
Siverdove Gift Voucher
Sent in post
Siverdove Gift Voucher
Chakra scan and 1 hour healing

Crystal Starter kit £18.50 including p&p
The set includes: selenite wand for cleansing your home, your aura and even your chakra's! A black tourmaline for protection from negative energy and electromagnetic radiation. Tumblestones: quartz (crown chakra), amethyst (third eye), blue lace agate (throat chakra), malachite (heart chakra), citrine (solar plexus), carnelian (sacral) and garnet (base chakra). We have also added a rose quartz for unconditional love and silver leather cord and crystal cage to carry and wear your appropriate tumblestone. Tumblestones vary in size approx 1-2cm. Wooden dove and canvas bag also included!