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What are the Chakra’s?


Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning “wheel” or “disc” and are the entry gates of the aura. Chakras can be visualised as flowers or an individual vortex. The chakras act as transducers for life force energy connecting the subtle body, distributing life force energy in the physical and subtle bodies, providing the source of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual energy.


There are 72,000 chakras in the body, many are small and insignificant, 72 of them are significant, however most work with the 7 major chakras, I work with up to 15, allowing for ascension . The chakras are aligned along the centre of the body, from the spines base to the top of the head. They are found in the ethereal body and contain the spiritual energy on the physical plane. Chakras rotate, either clockwise (male/Yang) or anti-clockwise (female/Ying).


The chakras absorb and transmit energy to and from the universe, nature, people and even things. When chakras are not balanced, wide open or are blocked the flow of energy is restricted and this can lead to physical, emotional, mental or spiritual dis-ease rather than free-flowing optimum health. They influence our body shape, glandular processes, physical elements, thoughts and behaviour. The chakras are expressed on the physical body by endocrine glands.


The chakras are associated with specific colours, which determine aspects of our emotion and behaviour. Crystals, essential oils, sound healing and herbs can have a great healing effect on the chakras.


Chakras can be accessed through meditation, guided visualisation, crystals and gemstones, aromatherapy and pendulums (dowsing).


The status of the chakras can be assessed through the hands. The first chakra can be assessed over the wrist, the second at the thumb, the third over the middle finger, the fourth over a small finger, the fifth over the index finger, the sixth over the ring finger and finally the seventh chakra over the palm.

The Seven Primary Chakras

1st chakra: base or root


Location: base of spine


Colour: red (passion for life) or black (stability and grounding)


Physical body: adrenal glands, bones, teeth, nails, spinal column, rectum, colon, blood and cell building.


Emotional body: survival instincts, self-preservation, individuality, stability and security.


Chakra rotation: female: anticlockwise, male: clockwise


Crystals: garnet, black tourmaline, red carnelian, black onyx, red sunstone, fire agate, red jasper, hematite, black kyanite, snowflake obsidian, red tiger eye, ruby, Smokey quartz.

2nd chakra: sacral


Location: approx. three inches below the navel.


Colour: orange (creativity and wisdom)


Physical body: gonads, pelvic girdle, reproductive organs, kidneys, bladder, and body liquids.


Emotional body: relationships with others, our ability to give and receive, sexual/passionate love, and creativity


Chakra rotation: female: clockwise, male: anti-clockwise


Crystals: amber, brecciate jasper, bronzite, carnelian, copper, orange calcite, orange jasper, orange carnelian.

3rd chakra: Solar Plexus


Location: just below the ribs.


Colour: yellow


Physical body: pancreas, lower back, abdomen, digestive system, stomach, liver, spleen, gallbladder, nervous system. Linked to analytical thought and intellectual activity.


Emotional body: emotional centre, aids in digestion of life, power and control our lives.


Chakra rotation: female: anticlockwise, male: clockwise


Crystals: citrine, moonstone, mookaite, yellow sapphire, lemon quartz, rutilated quartz, yellow topaz, tigers eye, golden beryl.

4th Chakra: Heart


Location: centre of chest at the level of the heart.


Colour: green (healing and balance), pink (signifying unconditional love and compassion).


Physical body: thymus gland governs, heart, upper back, lower lungs, blood, circulatory system and skin.


Emotional body: unconditional love, connection, acceptance, transformation, powerful healing, balances ad provides a bridge between the lower three chakras and the upper three.


Chakra rotation: female: clockwise, male: anti-clockwise.


Crystals: rose quartz, amazonite, rhodonite, green aventurine, green fluorite, green kyanite, jade, emerald, green tourmaline, peridot, green onyx, green apatite.

5th chakra: Throat


Location: located at throat.


Colour: blue (knowledge of, and oneness with divine guidance).


Physical body: thyroid gland governed, neck, throat, jaw, vocal cords, respiratory system, alimentary and arms.


Emotional body: unconditional love, connection, acceptance, transformation, powerful healing, balances ad provides a bridge between the lower three chakras and the upper three. Communication centre ability to express our thoughts, feelings and release, gateway to higher consciousness.


Chakra rotation: female: anticlockwise, male: clockwise


Crystals: blue lace agate, angelite, chalcedony, lapis lazuli, blue calcite, blue goldstone, blue fluorite, chrysocolla, blue sapphire, blue tiger eye, sodalite, blue kyanite.

6th Chakra: third eye


Location: located just above brow.


Colour: Indigo


Physical body: pituitary gland governed, face, left eye eye, ears, nose, sinuses, cerebellum (lower), central nervous system.


Emotional body: intuition, inner seeing, higher consciousness.


Chakra rotation: female: clockwise, male: anti-clockwise


Crystals: amethyst, angelite, iolite, sugailite, brandenberg, lapis lazuli.

7th chakra: crown


Location: crown of head.


Colour: violet (enlightenment), white (signifying purity, perfection and bliss).

Physical body: pineal gland governed, cerebrum (upper) and right eye.


Emotional body: intuition, inner seeing, higher consciousness, spirituality, enlighten, dynamic thoughts and energy.


Chakra rotation: female: anticlockwise, male: clockwise


Crystals: selenite, clear quartz, diamond, opalite.

 This content has been written by Sacha Grigg (Silverdove). If you use it or reproduce it in any way, please give credit to the compiler

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