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New! 4 week 21 Chakra Course

Monday evenings, 715-915

18th January - 8th February 2016

Putney, London

This four week course, running on Monday evenings from the 18th of January to the 8th of Feb 2016 (715-915 pm) will be focused on the larger 21 chakra system. The course will identify the appropriate chakra's for common diseases, illness, spiritual, emotional and mental imbalances and cover methods, including crystal healing in how to restore them to balance. Basic crystal knowledge and some knowledge of the primary 7 chakra's will be an advantage in this course. £35 per session.

The 21 Chakra System: ascension path

Many are aware of the 7 main chakras, which are located along the spine, for those unfamiliar please click here . There are actually 72 major chakras in total, with the chakra system forming a bridge serving as an energy transformer; changing pure (higher) energy into various forms.

This chakra is responsible for the grounding of higher energies to the earth/planet/gaia and is linked to the kundalini energy which is ultimately stored in the dantien.


N egative Power: Over-sensitivity or disconnected feelings.


Positive Power: Soul is grounded on the physical plane.


C olour: silver, gold, black, brown


L ocation: Approximately an arm's length below your feet


Diseases: Inability to ground higher consciousness and/or kundalini energy.


Crystals: nummite, shamaic black calcite, apache tear, nirvana quartz, smokey elestial quartz, specular hematite, spider web obsidean, shungite, petalite and presceli.

This chakras affect your ability to mainfest through willpower.


Negative power: fear of death or change, inflexible, unable to go with the flow


Positive power: grounded and practical, essential needs meet with ease


Colour: tan or multicoloured


Location: through and at the back of the knees


Crystals: aragonite, azurite, boji stone, melinite, stomatolite, boji stone, petrified wood, blue lace agate and cathedral quartz.

Palm Chakras


The palm chakras are what we use to sense energies, they receive, sense, radiate and channel and are therefore linked to our ability to receive, generate, manifest and achieve.


Negative power: numbing, greed, antisocial behaviour with no obvious reason


Positive power: creativity, manifestation


Colour: blue, red, silver-white, gold-white


Location: centre of hands


Dis-eases: eczema, psoriasis, allergies, arthritis


Crystals: flint, quartz, most crystals

Alta Major (Ascension) Chakra


Responsible for accelerating and expanding consciousness, providing an anchor for the light body enabling us to see the larger picture. It also enhances intuitive ideas and contains information of our ancestral past, our past life karma and contractual agreements made prior to carnation. The chakra radiates a merkaba like shape. It is linked to the hypothalamus producing hormones responsible for thirst, hunger, body temperature, body weight, sleep, moods, blood pressure, sex drive and growth.


Negative powers: disorientation


Positive power:knowledge of spiritual purpose


Located: Inside of skull, access point is the lobe at central back of neck

Dis-eases: ancestral, karmic, migraines, physical depression, loss of sense of purpose.


Colour:magenta, green


Crystals: angel's wing calcite, azeztulite, brandenberg, golden healer, holly agate, rosophia, presceli, black moonstone, apatte.

Positive Power: enlightenment, infinite energy, divine wisdom, spiritual compassion, enlightenment and ascension.


Location: 8-12 inches above crown.


Colour: Magenta.


Dis-eases: spiritual not physical.


Crystals: Selenite, blue kyanite, celestite, angels wing calcite, apophylite, danburite.


Aromatherapy: Palo Santo, Rose Absolute.


Archangel: Mariel.


This chakra acts as a cosmic portal, assimilating the light code and is connected with all the higher and scared energies of the 12 cosmic rays.


Negative power: delusions.


Positive power: cosmic consciousness.


Dis-ease: spiritual.

Location: 12 inches above the head.


Crystals: Novaculite.


Aromatherapy: Frankincense.


Colour: Gold.


Archangel: Metatron.

Alta Major (Ascension Chakra)


Responsible for accelerating and expanding consciousness.The alta major controls the rise in kundalini energy. Energy being received through the crown and third eye chakras combine to form personality and soul energy, through free will this combined energy travels down the spinal column via the alta major chakra to the base chakra; when this happens the union causes the kundalini energy to rise and bring enlighenment. It includes your past life karma and contractual agreements you made before incarnation.


Negative Power: constant sense of frustration and frequent migraines, little energy, indecisive, lack of joy.

Positive power: Open to divine energy, accessing the unconscious and subconscious mind.


Location: inside skull, access point is the base of the skull.


Diseases: ancestral, karmic, disorientation, spiritual depression, adrenaline rush - fight or flight, metabolic dysfunctions, migraines, confusion, dizziness.


Colour: white - green


Crystals: emerald, apatite, angels wing calcite, azeztulite, brandenberg, budd stone, goden healer, herkimer diamond, petalite, presceli bluestone, nummite, lemurian seed, black kyanite, orange kyanite.

This content has been written by Sacha Grigg (Silverdove). If you use it or reproduce it in any way, please give credit to the writer

(including a link to ) . 

With love and blessings